Tuesday, December 13, 2022


The Prayer of the Overseas Workers
Almighty God and loving Father, you gave us Mary to be our Mother, Our Lady of Good Harvest, the Pilgrim Image of Filipino Migrants. In union with her, we adore your Eternal Glory and Majesty.
Mary, Our Lady of Good Harvest, we thank you for the motherly care you showered on us ever since we moved to distant lands for a better life. We are grateful to you for being always at our side in our daily struggles. In our joys and sorrows, in all our successes and in every failure, and in moments of loneliness and tiredness, you have been our guide, our hope and our anchor. Through your intercession, grant us true peace and happiness as we strive to carry out our mission of holiness in this part of the world, we now call home. Protect the family life of our nation and guard the precious gift of the unborn. Have mercy on us, sinners, the sick, the poor, and the unemployed, and all who humbly implore your aid.
Dear Mother, Solace of Migrants, be our refuge and our strength and intercede for us in our material and spiritual needs especially for (here mention your petitions). Our Lady of Good Harvest, under your protection, help us to grow in the Catholic Faith we received and assist us in our duty to spread the Faith to others so that we may live happily now and forever in Heaven. AMEN