Friday, December 2, 2022


The faith of Mary. “Blessed you who believed…” (Lk 1:45). Faith because God's plans are inscrutable: we know them only in a fragmented way, as though we were seeing just the knots of the reverse side of a splendid tapestry. But God sees, with complete clarity, the design and color and meaning of the entire work of art.
Life is like a path with signals. The first clue leads you to the next, and to the next. Similarly, it happens with the plans of God on us. It is like that children’s game of finding a treasure, each indication leads you to the next and to the next and at the end you shall find the treasure. Our treasure is Christ and the road leading to it is the fulfillment of the divine will. In our prayer, we find clues about what God is asking from us.
Our Lady meditated, she pondered on those events at the beginning of her vocation, alone with God. “Our Mother, you brought to earth Jesus, who reveals the love of our Father God. Help us to recognize him in the midst of the cares of each day. Stir up our mind and will so that we may listen to the voice of God, to the calls of grace.” (St Josemaría)
My resolutions for this day:
1. To look at all events and circumstances with the eyes of faith, the way God wants me to look at them, bringing them to my prayer.
2. To proclaim my faith with courage, talking about the Lord, talking about the treasure that I have found.
3. Liturgical piety, at Mass, the visit to the Tabernacle, my genuflections.
4. Aspirations, many, throughout the day. “Lord, increase my faith.”
Illustration: Immaculate Conception of Murillo