Tuesday, December 6, 2022


“I am the Mother of Fair Love, and of fear, and of knowledge and of holy hope.” This is the lesson which Mary teaches us today: The lesson of the Most Beautiful Love, of living a clean life, of having a sensitive and passionate heart, so that we may learn to be faithful in our service to the Church. This is no ordinary love. It is Love itself. There is no room here for betrayal, calculation, or tepidity. It is a fair, beautiful love, because its beginning and end is God, who is thrice Holy, who is all Beauty, all Goodness, and all Greatness.
Jesus is our model for living holy purity. Among the virtues, charity, of course, is the highest, but chastity is indispensable. It is a "sine qua non" for anyone who wants to follow Christ. When it is missing, when a person fails to struggle, he becomes blind; he can't see anything.
At times I have seen an athlete's eyes light up at the sight of the obstacles he has to overcome. What a victory there is in store! How eagerly he conquers the difficulties! That is how the Lord our God looks upon us. He loves our struggle. We will always be victorious because he grants us his all-powerful grace. It doesn't matter if we have to fight, since he never abandons us.
At this very moment, you should trustingly beg Our Lady, as you accompany her in the solitude of your heart, without saying anything out loud: “Mother, this poor heart of mine rebels so foolishly! If you don’t protect me...” And she will help you to keep it pure and to follow the way to which God has called you.
“And now, my child, I ask you: how are you facing up to this battle? You know very well that a fight kept up from the beginning is a fight already won. Fight immediately, as soon as you are aware of the first sparks of passion, and even before. Also speak up immediately, if possible, even before anything happens.” (St Josemaría)
My resolutions for today:
Daily, to conquer myself, to apply the means to live chastity.
Human means: Sincerity: a savage sincerity in spiritual direction.
To guard my senses and my heart. Avoid being idle. Moderation in eating and drinking. Guarding my eyes and my heart, no tolerance for pornography.
Supernatural means: Mortification, small ones.
Prayer and the devout reception of the sacraments.
My love for our Lady; chastity is related to humility.
Illustration: Immaculate Conception of José Claudio Antolínez