Thursday, December 22, 2022


Christ is King of all peoples and all nations. The Savior is near; he is at the door. Twenty centuries have gone by since the first Christmas, and still there are nations and peoples awaiting the Messiah. But there are also cries of revolt from those who oppose Christ's kingship: We do not want this man to reign over us. The Lord's yoke is sweet and his burden light, but many reject it.
We are the soldiers and messengers of this king. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to him, and he has given us the mission to teach all people and bring them into his kingdom.
“Our Lord wants to be placed once more at the summit of all human activities. We are asked in a special way for this service, this help in ensuring that throughout the world there are even more abundant fruits of the Redemption, which is the only true freedom for man. We are working with this hope and this responsibility. The war of peace and love that we are engaged in is certain to be a long and demanding one. Yet victory is assured. God always conquers: He does not lose battles.” St Josemaría.
Our apostolic activity is always positive. By virtue of our mission, we are sowers of peace and joy. To everyone we meet, we would like to show a charity which is cheerful, gentle and strong, human and supernatural; a charity which is affectionate, which welcomes everyone with a smile and with understanding for their ideas and feelings, and which attracts them to cooperate in our work.