Friday, December 2, 2022


The Church invites everyone to look at Mary, the woman who personifies the original and authentic idea of what each person is, namely, the image of God.
This is our goal in the novena that begins today: to direct the eyes of those around us to holy Mary's beautiful countenance. We want them to discover her motherly affection and to learn to love her wholeheartedly. Undoubtedly the imitation of Christ is the road to follow if we are to be saints and reflect the absolute perfection of our heavenly Father....
But while the Catholic Church has always proclaimed this holy truth, it has also insisted that the imitation of the Virgin Mary in no way hinders one from faithfully following Christ, but rather makes this easier and more lovable.
Each day of this novena we too want to offer our Lady a rose by the deeds we perform in her service. At the evening examination of conscience, we hope to be able to say, “Here you have my gift for today, Mother.” And then from her heavenly throne she will smile upon us, for in those efforts of ours she will see the reality of our dedication.
Today, all of us should strive to put greater diligence into prayer, into the fulfillment of our professional duties and into small voluntary mortifications, doing everything with filial love for the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God and of the Church, and our Mother. In addition, we also strive to grow in love for our Lady by showing her special signs of affection during these days and spreading devotion to her among our friends. Each day of the novena should be marked by a greater apostolic zeal. We want to awaken in many hearts a filial love for holy Mary, which perhaps has been weak or dormant for many years.
In recalling an incident from his own life, St Josemaría tells us, “Every year, during the month of May, the rector of an old seminary used to go to the rooms, knocking on the doors one by one, after the seminarians had already retired for the evening. When they opened the door, the rector would give them a rose to offer to our Lady. But whenever a seminarian had failed to be a good son of our heavenly Mother, either by breaking one of the rules or neglecting his study, the rector would knock on his door and say, ‘Today, you cannot offer our Lady a rose.’" I want to be able to offer her a beautiful rose every day of this Novena.
My resolutions for today:
1. Availability. “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord…” You want it, Lord? I also want it.
2. Increased spirit of prayer: “She kept all these things in her heart…”
3. To open our soul to the Lord by means of a good confession.
Illustration: Immaculate Conception of Museo del Prado by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo