Friday, December 23, 2022


If we want to love Jesus, we have to spend time with him. We don't have two hearts: one for God and one for the things of this earth. You should spend time with him daily, putting your heart into everything, with the ardor of people in love. God has captured our heart, our whole life. One day, by his infinite goodness, we felt the dart of love that conquered us for ever. And we must see to it that this love endures, and becomes more intense and refined every day.
What must I do to ensure that my love continues and increases? My child, it's a question of leaving aside the "old man", and of giving up those things which, although good in themselves, are no longer compatible with what God asks of us. Say to our Lord, with deeds, and with constancy: here I am for you called me. St Josemaria
Lord Jesus, help me to recognize my weakness. Give me your grace to get closer to you. Increase my faith in you, in your love and in your power. Open my eyes to see you and to recognize your face in my life. Be the light of my life.
May I see with your eyes, my Christ, Jesus of my soul. May I love with your heart...!!!!