Saturday, December 3, 2022


Intercession of Mary. It is easy to imagine how she would have prepared the items her Son needed for his apostolic journeys along the roads of Palestine in the company of the Twelve. In Cana, Jesus shows us the power of Mary’s intercession. Later, when the drama of Calvary unfolded in all its bitter reality, Mary was present to help Jesus accomplish his mission, during his last moments on this earth. And her unshakable faith and hope brought strength to the apostles when the Body of her Son lay in the tomb.
Mary continually builds up the Church and keeps her together.
Mother, we thank you for your intercession before Jesus. Without you we would not have been able to reach Him. How true it is that one always goes to Jesus and returns to Him through Mary! (St Josemaría)
My resolutions for this day:
1. To go more often to the intercession of Our Lady; asking for the Church, for the pope, for the priests, for the families, for all our special intentions.
2. The Memorare…many.
3. The Rosary, with piety and attention, especially today.
Illustration: Immaculate Conception of José de Ribera (nicknamed Españoleto)