Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Holding the World Cup in Qatar, MESSI declared that it was a gift of God. True so. It was his greatest, happiest moment. Yet, the cup was empty. Fifty years from now, the whole affair will be a curiosity for the statistics which only a few will know about.
Right now, I am going to hold the One who gave the cup to Messi. And He will be with me forever, even after death, always happy.
My Cup is full and overflowing for the others. Thank you, Lord.
Chalice of the Queen Doña Urraca is a piece of Romanesque gold work donated by the Leonese Infanta and Queen Urraca of Zamora (1033-1101), lady of Zamora and daughter of King Ferdinand I of León. As we know it, it dates back to the second half of the 11th century. It is currently kept in the museum of the collegiate church of San Isidoro de León (Spain).