Saturday, December 31, 2022


For the New Year, a prayer we learned as children:
Bendito y alabado sea el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, y la limpia e Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, concebida sin mancha de pecado original desde el primer instante de su ser natural. Amén.
Blessed and adored be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and the pure and Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, conceived without stain of original sin from the first moment of her natural being. Amen.
Lord, give me the ability to discern what gives you glory, and what offends you; to know what works for the good of the people, and what is to their detriment; what will make me happy, and what will destroy my happiness – both eternal happiness and the relative happiness I can attain here on earth.
“There is nothing more beautiful than to let oneself be touched by the Gospel, by Christ. Happiness has a name, has a face: that of Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist.” (Benedict XVI)