Friday, December 9, 2022


Christians can help so many men and women who today have lost the foundation of life to find it. Our lives, our faith, make a difference when they are firmly united to the will of God. Then they become a beacon of light, a lighthouse, an indestructible rock to guide our brothers and sisters to the love and knowledge of God.
Today, is St. Juan Diego, to whom Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared. With him, we could say,
Thank you, Lord, for the dream that flooded my soul yesterday, I know it's worth it, but to have a vocation you have to be called ....
That day, you showed me what you expected from me. Thank you for trusting me...!!!!! I need to be what you want me to be, a light that illumines, a lighthouse in the middle of the world, and above all, to be yeast in the dough, that makes the batch rise, and still goes unnoticed....