Wednesday, December 7, 2022


God expects us to bear supernatural fruit. If we know Jesus, we realize that we can live only by giving ourselves to the service of others. Christians can’t be caught up in personal problems; they must be concerned about the universal Church and the salvation of all souls.
Our Lord often spoke about the need to bear fruit in our interior life and our apostolate. I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
Mary, who brought Jesus up and accompanied him through his life and is now beside him in heaven, will help us recognize Jesus as he crosses our path and makes himself present to us in the needs of our fellow men.
“Don’t let discouragement enter into your apostolate. You haven’t failed, just as Christ didn’t fail on the Cross. Take courage!... Keep going, against the tide, protected by Mary’s Immaculate and Motherly Heart: Sancta Maria, you are my refuge and my strength. Hold your peace. Be calm... God has very few friends on earth. Don’t yearn to leave this world. Don’t shy away from the burden of the days, even though at times we find them very long.
“Many conversions, many decisions to give oneself to the service of God have been preceded by an encounter with Mary. Our Lady has encouraged us to look for God, to desire to change, to lead a new life. And so, her advice ‘Do whatever he tells you’ has turned into real self-giving, into a Christian vocation, which from then on enlightens all our personal life.” (St Josemaría)
My resolutions for today:
My prayer and action must go hand in hand. To live friendship intensely, open to all, to increase the number of friends and contacts.
Prayer always leads to specific apostolic deeds.
To foster a spirit of mortification.
To mark myself daily goals in the apostolate.
Illustration: Immaculate Conception by Alonso Cano