Monday, December 12, 2022


In her conversations with Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe reveals, “Know and understand that I am the ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God through whom all things live.” In her simple greeting, Our Lady reveals three things to Juan Diego and to us:
1) that she is the ever-Virgin Mary,
2) that she is appropriately called the Mother of God, and
3) that God is the One through whom all things live.
It is curious that she says “ever Virgin Mary” because we know that she appeared to Juan Diego with a black bow around her waist signifying that she was with child. In this way, the Blessed Virgin makes clear that she conceived Jesus in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit, and that she remained a Virgin forever.
When Our Lady of Guadalupe pleads with us to take to heart her question, “Am I not your Mother?” she wants us to know that she is also God’s Mother. Moreover, she wants us to have the same confidence, security, trust, and love for her that the Baby Jesus had! Truly we can call her Our Mother: we can bring anything to her and trust that she will always look over us.
We must trust her, that is, we must have confidence in her like a child has for his loving Mother. This means that we can look to her for help always, everywhere and for everything.