Monday, January 9, 2023


As they neared Jerusalem, the star mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Magi in a quandary. Yet we see no trace of discouragement in them. These were men who were used to overcoming adversity. The long journey would have steeled their resolve, teaching them the value of patience. They may also have realized that God, who had shown them the star, could just as easily hide it.
Whatever the case, the whole of the Gospel narrative transmits a sense of calm. The Magi's serenity is a good lesson to us. Calm in the face of difficulties, faith in our vocation, and common sense, are all factors we need each day. We know very well that when God invites a soul to lead a life fully in accordance with the faith, he does not take in account one’s measure of fortune, nobility, blood, or learning. God's call precedes all our merits ...
Christian vocation comes first; God loves us before we even know how to go toward him, and he places in us the love with which we can correspond to his call. God's fatherly goodness comes out to meet us. Our Lord is not only just; He is much more; He is compassionate and merciful; He does not wait for us to go to him. He takes the initiative, with the unmistakable signs of paternal affection.