Tuesday, January 24, 2023


My desire is to be a good child of God and behave as such. The perfection that interests me is not that of the one who imaginatively pretends to do everything well and to have no defects, but that of one who wishes to live more immersed in the logic of God's love, corresponding to his love constantly.
St. Joseph had been chosen by God so that he would dedicate himself completely to the service of Jesus and the care of Mary; so that his only concern would be to look after the Son of God and the Blessed Virgin. This mission of love led him to put his whole heart into that service. And love, when it is genuine, is total, exclusive, stable, and lasting, an irresistible spur to all forms of heroism.
Among these, to be chaste, according to the circumstances of the state of each person, is not a matter of age but of love. Like St. Joseph, I want to say, “You want it from me, Lord? I also want it.”