Saturday, January 28, 2023


United in Christ Jesus, we form a single Body with a single Soul; with one mind, one heart, one feeling, one will, one desire. Nevertheless, we are many organs and members.
To be holy, we need the help of others. Christian life is essentially a meeting of the soul with its Redeemer, but it is also a merging of us all into the one love of Christ. As a result, our struggle to be holy entails the constant effort to stay united, and to help one another through genuine fraternity, the basis of which is the Love of God.
We want to love Christ with our whole heart. But we cannot forget that the more we become "members of one another", "mutually mindful for one another", the closer we shall be united with God and with Christ.
If it ever seems hard for us to draw close to God, we should ask ourselves what effort we are putting into loving and serving others.
As our Lord's arms were wide open on the Cross, so too our hearts should be open to everyone. We don't want to show indifference to anyone; on the contrary, we should always try to see Christ in others.
Illustration: This ancient guilloche border reminds us that each one should be in his place, and still, giving both hands to the neighbor, around Christ, with the apostles.