Friday, January 27, 2023


The early Christians, living in the middle of the world, by their actions bore witness to the faith they lived by. Thus, the starting point of any work with souls must also be the apostolate of good example.
Our desire to do apostolate stems from our love of God. We want everyone to draw near to God, to believe in him and love him. But God wants this to be achieved through our deeds, even more than through our words. People will believe your words when they see your good deeds, the way you act.
We attract souls to God through a word said at the right time, a discreet piece of advice, or a friendly conversation..., through what we may call the apostolate of friendship and confidence. But above all, through the example of an upright conduct.
First, good example, which we have a duty to give with a smile, pleasantly. Then, doctrine, in an appropriate way.
In the marble sculpture –in Rome– Our Lady is giving a rose to one of her children, below. The rose has thorns because it is real.
I wonder…will her child extend his hand and accept the rose?... and then kiss it?