Thursday, January 26, 2023


Jesus Christ, God-made-Man, has come to bring life, to do good. He sacrifices his life not only for those who love and follow him, but for every single person, even those who despise him and nail him to the Cross.
Our charity seeks to imitate that of Christ. We should love everyone as he did, with a love that is unselfish, patient, and ready to go to any lengths for the good of souls. Ours must be a charity that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things,
God calls all people, of every country, race, and tongue, from the moment he brings them into existence saying: “Be holy as my heavenly Father is holy.” He calls them to a Christian life, a holy life, a chosen life.
Our mission continues the mission which Jesus received from his Father. Christ transmitted it to his Church when he told the Apostles: As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.
Photo: Immaculate Conception, antique Filipino carving in Makiling Conference Center.