Monday, January 9, 2023


Yesterday, in the Epiphany, the Magi met a Child, in need to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. His Mother, Our Lady was always there because she gave birth to him. There is a transition, from her most pure womb to this material world; from being still hidden to being visible in the manger.
Today is the Baptism of Our Lord. In his Baptism, the Blessed Trinity declares that he is God, the Son of God, “my Beloved Son…”. Our Lady is not there, because Jesus is God, was God, and will be God forever. He proceeds from the Father, uncreated, not made, consubstantial with the Father. There is no transition from not being to being, but continuity. He, simply, IS.
Two feasts form a single story. The Epiphany tells us that he has a human nature. The Baptism tells us that he is God. God and Man in a single Person.
Let us go to the cave of Bethlehem and, with faith and simplicity, and from the depths of our hearts, let us adore Jesus, promising him that we will always follow his star.
Let us trust that Jesus is the true light that will bring us that happiness we seek in the things of this world. For only Christ alone will fill the longing for happiness that we seek.