Friday, January 13, 2023


At all times, Christ continues to challenge man to stand with him or against him. Unfortunately, there are no other positions. And, constantly, I have to decide between, Christ or my selfishness. Christ or my sensuality. Jesus himself spoke of not being able to serve two masters.
I need to be more humble, Lord, to stay close to You, knowing and making your Gospel come alive. You are the only source of holiness; I can and must do nothing outside your will. Fame is of no use to me, nor goods, the only thing that should matter to me is to remain united to your grace in order to carry out the mission that you have entrusted to me.
Lord, increase my faith in you, and cast your divine light upon my daily tasks, so that I can be filled with love and hope, and my efforts can bear fruit. Lord God, you are always the same. It is men and women of faith that you need.
“Come and see,” – you told me – “You will see what I, the Lord, can do with your life, from the moment you begin to walk my path with blind faith, stepping on my footprints. You will see what wonders I can do with a trusting heart.”