Thursday, January 12, 2023


The Ten Virgins of the parable maintained themselves cheerful and faithful. God has a marvelous reward in store for everyone, for every soul who is trying to love him. It is the reward of eternal happiness in heaven, without any trace of sorrow, bitterness, or sadness.
He has entrusted us with the divine mission of spreading this good news throughout the world, from pole to pole. It is a mission that requires effort, sacrifice, determination, and strength.
It is a true spiritual battle - a battle of peace - that we must fight, because at times people can be blinded by the devil and refuse to accept the truth and the love that saves them. Our war is a beautiful war of peace in which we sow love, forgiveness, understanding and fellowship. If we don't get close to other people, how can we bring them to God?
All our apostolate is based on love and affection, on the charity of Christ. We don't reject anyone. However, when the good of souls is at stake, we must be forceful - finding our strength in the fortitude of Christ - so that we can defend the freedom and rights of God and of his Church, and never yield in what is essential. We must follow the example of our Lord, who taught the commandments of divine law with authority.
Commenting on the parable of the ten virgins, St Josemaría said: “We must keep our lamps lit, as the prudent virgins did. We can't give away our oil, lest our lamps go out. When our faith is in danger, we can't play around. Our first duty is to keep our lamps lit. A charity that yielded in matters of faith would be false, diabolical, deceitful. Fortes in fide: strong in the faith, firm in the faith, as St Peter says. This isn't fanaticism; it's simply living by faith. It's not that we don't love anyone. We would be ready to give in on matters of secondary importance, but we can't give in on matters of faith. We can't give away the oil in our lamps. For then the Bridegroom would come and find that our lamps had gone out.”
Call no man fortunate before his death;
it is by his end that a man will be recognized.