Sunday, January 29, 2023


The sanctification of the feasts is not only an observance of a law, but a foundation of the moral life inscribed in the heart of man.
The joy of worshiping God, the joy of the Resurrection of Christ.
Fraternity is beautiful, greeting each other is beautiful, but, more importantly, the Mass makes sacramentally present the Sacrifice of the Cross. It is the encounter with Jesus in the Mass, that gives meaning to our meeting with each other, to our gathering.
We must rediscover and value the participation in the Mass.
“What must the cheerful way that Jesus looked upon people have been like? It must have been the same which shone from the eyes of his Mother who could not contain her joy — and her soul glorified the Lord while she carried Him within her and by her side. Oh, Mother! May we, like you, rejoice to be with Him and to hold Him.” // Furrow, no. 95