Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Of all those who saw the star, only the Magi discovered its deep meaning. Promptly, with faith, "Stella duce", led by the star, they set out on the road. What for others was nothing more than a marvel in the sky, for them held a clear-cut message. Undoubtedly God himself opened their eyes. But we can still admire their great faith and their promptness in setting out on their journey.
The wise men did not content themselves with just contemplating the star. They decided to follow it, and that was what really mattered, and called for their effort. They left behind their families, their ease, and their comfort, and set out on their way, carrying their finest possessions.
God reminds us that we belong to him by virtue a new title: that of our specific vocation as Christians. “We need a strong life of faith to appreciate the wonder God’s providence has entrusted to us. We need a faith like that of the Magi, a conviction that neither the desert, nor the storms, nor the quiet of the oases will keep us from reaching our destination in the eternal Bethlehem: our definitive life with God.
“My child, thank God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank the Blessed Virgin through whom all the graces of heaven reach us, as through a divine channel. Give thanks for the grace of our calling which, next to the faith, is the greatest gift God could have granted a human being.” St Josemaría.