Sunday, January 22, 2023


Baptism transforms us in depth. It enables us to turn to God as his children. It makes us Christians and, in this sense, leads us to see and act according to God, that is, stepping in his footprints. This is what being children of God is all about.
Our faith does not consist merely in conquering weakness but in clinging, in the midst of suffering, to the will of him who suffers out of love for us.
Let us allow the Lord to look at us, in prayer, in the Eucharist, in Confession, in our brothers and sisters, especially in those who feel left behind, those alone. And let us learn to look at him and at everyone as he looks at us.
This is what each of us should do in our own lives: strive to know Christ deeply, to transmit him to as many people as possible, regardless of the fatigue or sacrifice that this may imply.