Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Christmas is over; a time that ended with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Many families who still keep the Christmas decorations at home, will be able to keep them in the key of faith with this simple prayer.
"Lord, we thank You for accompanying us to live the Advent and Christmas time.
Now we entrust ourselves to You for the rest of the year."
Lord Jesus,
after decorating our homes with colored lights and various objects that remind us of the joy of your birth,
the time has come to put them away.
And we do so full of hope
that next year,
when we take them out of their boxes again,
they will once again fill our Christmas season
with peace and tenderness.
In the meantime, give us strength and courage
to listen to your Word and live the Sacraments,
and to communicate to all
that You are with us always,
in every time and circumstance.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen."